Thermoblock Bricks

طوب الثيرموبلوك, طوب الثيرموبلوك البوزلاني, Green Building Company للطوب العازل, طوب بوزلاني ثيرموبلوك, طوب الثيرموبلوك الاردن, طوب الثيرموبلوك الخفيف, طوب الثيرموبلوك, شراء طوب الثيرموبلوك, سعر طوب الثيرموبلوك, طوب الثيرموبلوك البناء الاخضر, طوب الثيرموبلوك البوزلاني, طوب الثيرموبلوك البوزلاني, طوب الثيرموبلوك البوزلاني, افضل طوب الثيرموبلوك البوزلاني, طوب الثيرموبلوك البوزلاني الارجن, طوب الثيرموبلوك البوزلاني في السوق, طوب الثيرموبلوك البوزلاني البناء الاخضر, الطوب والربس البوزلاني, افضل الطوب والربس البوزلاني. الطوب والربس البوزلاني في الاردن, الطوب والربس البوزلاني البناء الاخضر, الطوب والربس البوزلاني لدى البناء الاخضر, شراء الطوب والربس البوزلاني, الربس البوزلاني الخفيف العازل الاردن, الربس البوزلاني الخفيف العازل البناء الاخضر, البوزلاني الخفيف العازل للحرارة, البوزلاني الخفيف العازل للحرارة, طوب البوزلاني الخفيف العازل للحرارة, الطوب البوزلاني الخفيف العازل للحرارة, البوزلاني الخفيف العازل للحرارة, الطوب الافضل البوزلاني الخفيف العازل للحرارة في الاردن,

الطوب و الربس البوزلاني الخفيف العازل للحراره – ثيرموبلوك

Environmentally friendly, low in the level of energy used, during the production process, and during construction, and sustainably, heat and sound insulator, light in weight, fire resistant and resistant to salinity and moisture, reduce the effect of albumin, high stress strength, improve workability, resistance to capillary property of water absorption Sulfate resistance, cracking resistance, pressure resistance, alkali impact resistance, solubility and corrosion resistance, heat shrinkage resistance, making pozzolan bricks the new millennium bricks

طوب الثيرموبلوك البوزلاني

General properties of bricks and plaster

الخفيف العازل للحرارة – البوزلاني

The scientific characteristic of this type of product, and its dependence in combination on volcanic tuff, with advanced technology factors, and by using nanotechnology to bind the particles during the spiral and cylindrical mixing process, to create the greatest possible homogeneity of the materials, the force of pressure and shaking, and steam drying ovens, in addition In addition to the high production capacity, it will provide a qualitative shift for urban life in the country, and the ideal alternative to modern green building, because this type of brick has the following characteristics.


يتم تصنيع المنتوجات البوزلانية باستخدام التكنلوجيا الألمانية المتقدمة , والتي تضمن جودة هذا المنتج حتى في مراحله النهائية , وفق المواصفة القياسية البريطانية والأمريكية او ما يكافئها من المواصفة الأردنية , أن استخدام البوزلانا في الخرسانة الخفيفة يرجع لأكثر من 2000 عام حيث تم استخدامه في روما القديمة في المدرجات والكنائس الرومانية والعديد من المباني القائمة حتى الان , كما ثبت ومنذ اكثر من عشرين عام فعالية استخدام البوزلانا الخفيفة الوزن , لتحل محل الخرسانة العادية ثقيلة الوزن لما لها من اثر بالغ في تقليل حديد التسليح والأحمال الميتة لمستوى يصل إلى النصف .
أن المقاومة الحرارية لهذا النوع من الطوب اعلى بكثير من الطوب الإسمنتي التقليدي تصل إلى 8 أضعاف , أن مادة التوف البوزلاني من العناصر الخاملة والمستقرة في الطبيعة لذا يوفر حلول طويلة الأمد لمنتوجات الخرسانة الخفيفة مسبقة الصب.


Pozzolana is one of the mineral elements formed by nature millions of years ago from volcanic eruptions, which has a high ability to absorb gases and radiations, break them down and replace ions without any change in the structural composition, as it is a porous mineral, the size of the spatial porosity reaches more than 50%. % of the total volume, and zeolite is considered the least dense mineral among all silica minerals of the quaternary composition, and it includes a group of alkaline and calcareous aluminosilicate minerals whose crystalline network contains atoms of water that are easy to separate and coalesce, in the crystal system without affecting it, as zeolite acts as an atomic sieve, that the property of ion exchange It gives it a unique ability to remove bacteria and prevent its formation or the formation of germs and fungi in it.


The use of light pozzolanic bricks of high quality, and its use in tall buildings, commercial buildings, hospitals, schools and places of worship
(All the buildings of the campus are built of pozzolanic bricks) and for its residential buildings, complexes, large halls, and governmental and military buildings, it makes these buildings green buildings with high resistance to stress, and permanent stability even when different climatic conditions, and reduces lateral load, dead loads, lateral load shift and friction angles for buildings and roofs.

الطوب والربس البوزلاني, الطوب والربس البوزلاني الاردني, شراء الطوب والربس البوزلاني, الربس البوزلاني الخفيف العازل

الربس البوزلاني الخفيف العازل, الربس البوزلاني الخفيف العازل. الربس البوزلاني الخفيف العازل الاردن, الربس البوزلاني الخفيف العازل, البوزلاني الخفيف العازل للحرارة, الطوب البوزلاني الخفيف العازل للحرارة,

مزايا الطوب الخفيف العازل للحراره – البوزلاني

very lite

طوب الثيرموبلوك البوزلاني خفيف الوزنThe use of light bricks in construction helps to reduce dead loads and reinforcing steel by up to 18%, compared to traditional cement bricks, where the weight of pozzolanic bricks is less than 45% than that of traditional cement bricks. Pozzolanic brick construction is designed for tall buildings, so it is perfectly suitable for tall buildings as it reduces dead loads and maintains the durability and stability of the foundation. Pozzolanic brick is used in all aspects of modern and traditional construction. It is an alternative to traditional cement bricks, for hospitals, hotels, restaurants, industrial complexes and schools, for wedding halls and halls Conferences, mosques, churches, apartments, palaces, villas, cold rooms, etc. and tall and ordinary buildings


جدول عازل للحراره 3

Since the raw material is porous rock full of air gaps, the thermal insulation of the pozzolan bricks is of a high level, as the thermal conductivity reached (0.178 for solid bricks and 0.12 for hollow bricks) m ° C / Watt, which leads to savings in heating and cooling up to 67.7%

The effectiveness of the thermal insulation of the light pozzolan brick provides long-term solutions to the energy problem, as the thermal resistance of this type reaches 0.0833 degrees Celsius / watt per cm, while the thermal resistance of traditional bricks reaches 0.0083 degrees Meh watt per cm, an increase of 10. times, and the use of polystyrene behind traditional bricks except for its health harms, and its wear and tear after a period of time not exceeding 5 years. The use of pozzolanic bricks in buildings saves immediate costs, as it eliminates the use of any insulating materials such as polystyrene and foam. It also saves the building space exploited for polystyrene thicknesses. And it makes the construction section coherent, as the concrete is poured directly on the bricks without breaks, as is the case in the use of polystyrene.

 The following table shows the thermal insulation values ​​of pozzolanic bricks compared with the use of polystyrene and the alternative thermal equivalent

Thermal insulation comparison table for pozzolan solid bricks
Thermal insulation comparison table for pozzolan solid bricks




The nature of the gaps inside the volcanic bricks and the nature of the neutral pozzolan material lead to a reduction in the noise ratio inside the building from the outside and vice versa, and the acoustic echo frequencies of the large halls, and it has a high ability to absorb sound, as the sound insulation reaches 2.5 per cm / decibel.
The ability of the pozzolana material to absorb sound and curb mechanical vibration energy comes from the nature of the vacuum pozzolana material, which constitutes more than 60% of its volume, so it leads to reducing the noise level inside the building from the outside and vice versa, and the echo frequencies in the large halls and preventing the transmission of vibration and sounds of machines, It also has a high ability to absorb comprehensive noise and includes all disturbing and unwanted sounds resulting from the external environment and transient noise, which is continuous and continuous noise that breaks off after a period of time and is replaced by other sounds after a short period (trains, planes, cars) and impulse noise, which is All the annoying and unwanted sounds that follow at short intermittent intervals and are more impactful to the human being because their level is high. The efficiency of walls in preventing noise transmission depends on their mass, so the thicker they are, the better they are in preventing noise transmission.
The use of pozzolanic bricks and plaster makes the building an independent state isolated from its outside and makes the residential apartments independent from hearing the sounds, noises and creaks of water coming from above.


طوب الثيرموبلوك مقاوم للحريق

1- Hollow bricks

The reasons for its tolerance to high temperatures are due to its containing a large percentage of silica and alumina that is not combustible or refractory, in addition to its volcanic origin, which makes its resistance to high temperatures that do not exceed 400 degrees Celsius ideal, so it is suitable for buildings that require fire resistance, and the following table shows the degree of Fire resistance of different types of bricks ( ( fire resistance table )

2- Solid bricks  

 The production of fire-resistant bricks made of pozzolana and what it contains of solid elements such as aluminum wire, titanium, quicklime and quenched lime, and fire-resistant cement as the main binder between the granules of materials makes it with a capacity to withstand high temperatures, which reach 900 degrees Celsius, and is suitable for the uses of metal melting furnaces and stoves. Boilers rooms and highly equipped fire-resistant buildings. The following table shows the bearing capacity of the fire-resistant solid bricks, and the following table shows the degree of fire resistance for the different types of bricks ( ( fire resistance table )

Strength and durability

الطوب البوزلاني ثيرموبلوك مقاوم للخريق

Under a central pressure of up to 250,000 kilograms per square meter, using an automatic production line, and a vibration force that reaches 5,000 revolutions per minute, and the nature of the volcanic zeolite tuff, which contains a high percentage of silicates used in the manufacture of processed light bricks, the pressure resistance reaches 6 kg / cm, which saves a lot of rebar values, and the light weight feature helps in the technical engineering formation of buildings that ordinary concrete cannot bear, in addition to not cracking or breaking during the process of installing nails or installing door hinges and its high adhesion strength to plastering and Building stones, the use of light insulating pozzolanic bricks makes the erected buildings a mass of strength and durability that is capable of dealing with all weather factors, vibrations, and mechanical shock absorption.

Moisture resistant

طوب الثيرموبلوك مقاوم للرطوبة

Man, by nature, relies on getting rid of excess moisture, in both its gaseous and liquid forms, if it is present inside his home. He feels distressed and disturbed when the relative humidity inside his house rises above 70%, and he is also disturbed by the appearance of mold on the interior walls, and the use of ordinary bricks and ordinary plaster is the reason for the rise of moisture from the lower floors due to the osmotic property of materials with high absorption, which leads to a lack of cohesion of the plaster. Salting floors and walls, paint damage, and electrical installations. Failure to control moisture leads to the promotion of microbial growth, the growth of mold, bacteria and viruses, as well as other microbiological organisms and the harmful effects they produce on human health.
Good insulation helps to solve the problem of moisture, and eliminate it from its sources, including human metabolic processes, cooking, bathing, cleaning, and other human and non-human activities.
هذا وفي بيئة التعرض لمياه الأمطار، يؤدي استعمال حجارة البناء والطوب العادي , الى ارتفاع نسبة الرطوبة نتيجه امتصاصها لهذه المياه مما يؤدي إلى ترطيب الجدران داخل المبنى وربما إلى نفاذ مياه الأمطار ايضا, وتدني كفاءة الجدران في العزل الحراري… الأمر الذي يساهم في فقدان الطاقة وفي تدني درجة حرارة أسطح الجدران من الداخل، وتكاثف بخار الماء عليها ونمو الطحالب وتكاثرها .
Therefore, modern construction resorts to the use of various traditional insulators, which are based on closing the pores of the walls, which leads to the retention of moisture or leaking water inside the wall bricks and prevents its leakage to the outside, which leads to the formation of a moisture layer inside the wall itself and outside the insulation layer on the surface of the inner wall, and with Duration We notice the complete fall of the plaster (plaster) from the wall, as the moisture inside the wall worked to separate the plaster (plaster) from the wall.
The use of pozzolanic bricks and thermoplastic plaster, in construction operations, prevents the formation of moisture at all, as the nature of the formation of the neutral zeolite material, which has a low effect on heat or cold, leads to a reduction in water infiltration and prevents the formation of successive cold and hot surfaces resulting from the difference in temperature, and that the important property The pozzolana material in ion exchange, surface porosity, and its high capacity in absorption and adsorption (adsorption) make it absorb internal moisture, retain it in its crystalline composition, and re-release it when the medium needs it, that is, it works as if it breathes, which leads to a lack of internal humidity, which does not exceed 30% in the case of using Pozzolan bricks and thermoplaster.

Indoor environmental quality

Man in our time lives more than 80% of his time in an internal environment, and that there is a strong link between the quality of this environment and human health and safety.
There is also a strong link between the health problems that a person faces and the poor internal environment in the building in which he lives. The World Health Organization indicates that 30% of the buildings in the world are sick buildings, and to them the cause of many diseases is due to the occupants, the most important of which are harmful emissions from the building materials used. , and pollutants from the outside into the building.
Indoor air and the diseases it causes and the extent of its impact on humans, which is currently known as building disease syndrome. Indoor air pollution, i.e. inside buildings (offices, schools, companies, hospitals, etc.) is no less dangerous than outdoor air pollution and is considered the most dangerous because of its direct impact on the population. And those who are inside buildings where there is air that contains pollutants in a concentration that exceeds the permissible level.
The volatile organic compounds, microbial pollutants, various gases, and dust particles inside the closed atmosphere and lack of control of humidity lead to the growth of mold, bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms, which have a significant impact on the quality of the internal environment.
The World Health Organization indicated that many microbiological materials polluting the air are found in the indoor air and include mold fungi, viruses, bacteria, pollen, germs and their derivatives. Formaldehyde, which is produced by manufactured and coated wood with glue and insulating foams, and radon, which is produced by stones, cement, soil, water, fine dust and bacteriological materials. This leads to poor ventilation and concentration of pollutants in a small space
The use of pozzolanic bricks associated with an internal plaster of the same type (thermoplaster), and because of the unique filtering properties of zeolite and its high ability to absorb free ammonia and other unpleasant odors and toxic and non-toxic gases and break them down, the high ability of zeolite in ion exchange, especially with minerals Heavy metals, cations, elements of strontium-90, cesium-137, and other radioactive isotopes, and seizing them by crystal formation and cracking them.
They act as filters to purify gases and remove impurities such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and water vapor and rebuild it into clean air. Based on the very important property of pozzolana in ion exchange and ion selection, therefore, it has a high ability to control ammonia gas by removing 97% of it. And the removal of nickel ions by 98.8% and lead by 57.4%, as these metals destroy the ecosystem of those places, so it is necessary to remove them, and the low acidity function accelerates the removal of metal pollutants, by the inexpensive and safe ion exchange method, and the reverse of the methods Unsafe and expensive such as electrolysis, reverse osmosis or chemical precipitation

The ability to renew energy

Bricks And Pozzolan Rhubarb

The use of pozzolan bricks and thermoplaster plaster, and the unique properties that pozzolan possesses (surface tension, adsorption, ion exchange) make it unique in energy conservation and re-release, as one meter of highly porous pozzolan is spread on a surface of 250 square meters. It will give more than any other material, used in preserving moisture or conditioning by heat exchange, so the savings in the use of energy for heating and cooling purposes are high, reaching 67% of the total energy used (running an average of two hours gives an extension of six hours)


Bricks And Pozzolan Rhubarb

Buildings are like anything on earth, they are exposed to the stages of growth and life from emergence to ascension, then pyramid, age, demise, then the wheel of life spins again, and so on. The life expectancy of any building depends on the nature of the materials used in its construction.
Elements that could negatively affect the building
Solar radiation, rain, air pollution, humidity and the spread of rot, the effect of ultraviolet radiation, heating and cooling processes and what they cause of expansion and contraction, movement and thermal shock between components of materials and surfaces, thermal inertia, durability, rigidity and flexibility of building materials, differential movement between adjacent and different materials in the parietal section
Therefore, for sustainable and long-term construction, the construction materials in it must be of a nature and characteristics that avoid all environmental problems that affect its durability.
The buildings and installations that are built from pozzolanic tuff, and because of the previously mentioned properties of this material and its characteristics as a mineral of inert volcanic origin (not chemically reactive), inorganic, neutral, not affected by heat, cold, or freezing, and it does not decompose or decay like ordinary concrete or other organic materials, such as wood or It rusts like metals. Pozzolana contains millions of microscopic void cells that make it a cohesive and flexible mass at the same time.
Therefore, the possibilities of adaptation and coexistence with the surrounding environment effectively increase and work well to resist the occurrence of distortions, defects and cracks in the building elements. Through the effectiveness of thermal performance in conduction, thermal shock, resistance to expansion by moisture, shrinkage by dryness, mechanical shock, permeability, and neutral filtration, it reduces dead loads and maintains the durability and stability of the foundation even when different climatic conditions, and reduces lateral load and friction angles for buildings and surfaces. Which reduces the process of corrosion in buildings and thus increases the life span of the facilities. Therefore, the life span of the facilities built of Polish bricks exceeds 500 years.
Man has built from pozzolana materials more than a thousand years ago, such as the Church of Sophia, the Roman amphitheater in Rome, the Marib Dam in Yemen, and many temples and palaces that still exist to this time and have resisted all natural factors, including earthquakes.

Eco friendly & green building

A green or sustainable building increases energy, water and material savings. This is the result of design that saves resources and minimizes negative impacts on human health and the environment over the life cycle of a building, from construction and operation to renovation and decommissioning.
Green buildings work more effectively than traditional buildings. It can also save you money, increase the productivity of your employees, improve your company's financial valuation, and contribute to demonstrating your commitment to sustainability.
Sustainable environment architecture or green architecture, which is architecture that relies mainly on the efficiency of the materials used and on natural materials in construction and finishing, which are compatible with the surrounding environment and do not result in elements that have harmful effects on the health of its users. It also depends on the design that takes into account the needs of these residents, whether they are old or old. Young women or healthy children or those who suffer from deficiencies in their performance, so this architecture is compatible with the requirements and orientations of those who use it.
Building with pozzolanic bricks is considered one of the most important achievements of green buildings. It is a 100% natural material with high properties in terms of thermal insulation and energy saving values. It is non-toxic, inorganic, and resistant to pests and bacteria. It has a high ability to absorb odors and toxic gases. No fungi, bacteria or bacteria live in it. Mold or termites and other pests, repelling insects and mice, and there are no residues in the manufacturing processes, and they do not emit gases or smell, and are non-combustible and have no collateral damage to the human or non-human being, and they do not emit smoke or toxic gases in all their forms even In the case of melting, burning is not used in the manufacturing process, and it is a long-term sustainable building with a lifespan of up to 500 years.
In addition, it is resistant to moisture and works as a filter for air or gases and removes nickel and lead ions by a percentage, as these metals destroy the ecosystem of those places, so it is necessary to remove them, and the low acid function accelerates the removal of metal pollutants, by the inexpensive and safe ion exchange method.
The American Green Building Institute is based on granting the (LEED) certificate
To all building elements, and since the brick constitutes 80% of the building area from which it is built, so its importance is in the same proportion that the main criteria that it adopts are sustainability, energy efficiency and savings from it, potential energy consumption, positive effects on the environment and human health, raw materials The source is local, and all these requirements are fulfilled by pozzolanic bricks.

Reduces the effect of earthquakes

The property of bonding between silica particles and the property of flexibility, non-shrinkage and subsidence, and the structural composition of pozzolana with its low density, it shows high flexibility to external mechanical influences such as shocks and vibrations, which makes it suitable for use in seismically active cities and gives the building greater durability in the face of environmental variables such as earthquakes and soil displacement or subsidence , because pozzolana has a mechanical flexibility that is able to absorb shock and transform or discharge it