Technical Specifications
AAC Light White Thermostone Bricks 

قم بفتح القائمة لاختيار المنتج

AAC Insulating Light Thermstone Bricks

Table of technical specifications for AAC white thermostone bricks

ItemThickness (mm)Height (mm)Length (mm)Mean dry density (kg/m3) Compressive (MPa)Weight per pice gThermal resistance [M.Hº/W]fire resistance-800°Dry shrinkage (mm/m)Modulus of Elasticitysound absorption DPNO/ pieces per M³/m²absorption
Block500250060005503.5 - 441000.522 h≤0.022330 /N/mm210.5133.33 M³ / 6.66 M²3-5%
Block800250060005503.5 - 466000.833.2 h≤0.022330 /N/mm216.883.33 M³ / 6.66M²3-5%
Block1000250060005503.5 - 482501.044 h≤0.022330 /N/mm22166.66 M³ / 6.66M²3-5%
Block1500250060005503.5 - 4123751.566 h≤0.022330 /N/mm231.544.44 M³ / 6.66M²3-5%
Block2000250060005503.5 - 4165002.088 h≤0.022330 /N/mm24233.33 M³ / 6.66M²3-5%
Block2500250060005503.5 - 4206252.610 h≤0.022330 /N/mm252.526.66M³ / 6.66M²3-5%
Block3000250060005503.5 - 4247503.1212 h≤0.022330 /N/mm26322.22M³ / 6.66M²3-5%
Lintels10002500120006003.5 - 4165001.044 h≤0.022330 /N/mm2213-5%
Lintels15002500160006003.5 - 4360001.566 h≤0.022330 /N/mm231.53-5%
Lintels20002500200006003.5 - 4600002.088 h≤0.022330 /N/mm2423-5%
Lintels25002500240006003.5 - 4930002.610 h≤0.022330 /N/mm252.53-5%
Lintels30002500280006003.5 - 41260003.1212 h≤0.022330 /N/mm2633-5%

absorptionNO/ pieces per M³/m²Thermal resistance [M.Hº/W]sound absorption DPModulus of ElasticityDry shrinkage (mm/m)fire resistance-800°Weight per pice gCompressive (MPa)Mean dry density (kg/m3)Length (mm)Height (mm)Thickness (mm)Item
3-5%133.33 M³ / 6.66 M²0.5210.52330 /N/mm2≤0.022 h41003.5 - 455060002500500Block
3-5%83.33 M³ / 6.66M²0.8316.82330 /N/mm2≤0.023.2 h66003.5 - 455060002500800Block
3-5%66.66 M³ / 6.66M²1.04212330 /N/mm2≤0.024 h82503.5 - 4550600025001000Block
3-5%44.44 M³ / 6.66M²1.5631.52330 /N/mm2≤0.026 h123753.5 - 4550600025001500Block
3-5%33.33 M³ / 6.66M²2.08422330 /N/mm2≤0.028 h165003.5 - 4550600025002000Block
3-5%26.66M³ / 6.66M²2.652.52330 /N/mm2≤0.0210 h206253.5 - 4550600025002500Block
3-5%22.22M³ / 6.66M²3.12632330 /N/mm2≤0.0212 h247503.5 - 4550600025003000Block
3-5%1.04212330 /N/mm2≤0.024 h165003.5 - 46001200025001000Lintels
3-5%1.5631.52330 /N/mm2≤0.026 h360003.5 - 46001600025001500Lintels
3-5%2.08422330 /N/mm2≤0.028 h600003.5 - 46002000025002000Lintels
3-5%2.652.52330 /N/mm2≤0.0210 h930003.5 - 46002400025002500Lintels
3-5%3.12632330 /N/mm2≤0.0212 h1260003.5 - 46002800025003000Lintels

اصناف طوب وربس الثيرمستون

Thermstone bricks 60*25*58 cm thermostone brickطوب الثيرمستون 10 سمThermstone bricks 60*25*15Thermstone bricks 60*25*20Thermstone bricks 60*25*25Thermstone brick 30 cmطوب الثيرمستون Lintels