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What is pozlana?
Pozlana is a natural, inorganic substance, formed through ancient times under the influence of hot mineral waters from volcanic eruptions. It is known as zeolitic tuff, which represents a series of alkaline elements, alkaline earth minerals and hydrated aluminum silicate, whose minerals are most present in sedimentary rocks of volcanic origin with high porosity in which the volume of The porous voids account for 50% of its total volume, light in weight, and zeolite is considered the least dense mineral among all the quaternary silicate minerals, very hard, and the size of the grains is small, and it has a high susceptibility to hydration. From water, it is easy to separate and adhere to the crystal system without affecting it, and there are more than 30 types in nature.
ينتمي الزيوليت إلى عائلة المجسمات الرباعية الوجوه ذات البنية ثلاثية الإبعاد , ذات الشحنة السالبة , ويتميز الزيولايت بالتبادل الشاردي ومسامية الانتقالية للسطح وحمضية السطح , ويضم مجموعة من معادن الألومينوسيليكات القلوية والكلسية التي تحتوي شبكتها البللورية على ذرات من الماء فيه , وينشأ الزيولايت الطبيعي نتيجة التفاعل بين الماء المسامي ( المتواجد فى الشبكة البللورية ) وبين الزجاج البركاني أو معادن السمكتايت والفلسباروالبلاجيوكليزوالنيفلين أو السيليكا . ويتحقق التبلور عند وجود نسبة عالية من المغنيزيوم والهيدروجين إلى نسبة الصوديوم – البوتاسيوم – الكالسيوم ، بحيث يتوقف نوع الزيولايت المتشكل على طبيعة الصخور التى انحدر منها ودرجة حرارة الماء وضغط النشاط الأيوني
Are insulating pozzolanic bricks new bricks?
Building with bricks or pozzolanic concrete is very old, as many ancient buildings were built from it, such as the Church of Eila Sophia and the Roman amphitheater in Rome and many temples and palaces in Britain, which needed high-level architecture and during the past ten years, construction began with this type of bricks in Saudi Arabia in buildings Al-Haram Al-Sharif, Jeddah Gate Towers, the Arab Complex Project, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Defense and Saudi Aviation, the Electricity Company and many other buildings. In Jordan, King Hussein University, Al al-Bayt University and many private villas and apartments
What is the thermal conductivity of pozzolanic insulating bricks?
The thermal conductivity of bosonian bricks is 0.18 for hollow bricks, 0.28 for solid bricks w/m2k
What is the thermal resistance and what is the thermal resistance of pozzolanic insulating bricks?
المقاومة الحرارية هي معكوس الموصلة الحرارية والموصلة الحرارية هي التيار الحراري ( بالواط ) المار عموديا من خلال وحدة مساحة من سطح وسط مادي سماكتة وحدة طول , وذلك بفعل فرق في درجة الحرارة بين سطحية مقدارة درجة مئوية واحدة ووحدة قياسها ( واط متر.°س). ان المقاومة الحرارية هي قدرة مواد البناء في تدفق الحرارة وكلما ارتفعت المقاومة كلما كانت مواد العزل افضل , ان المقاومة الحرارية للطوب البوزلاني تعادل 0,0555 لكل سمᶾ وهذا يمنح ميزة التوصيل الحراري المنخفض والنفاذية المتدنية بالاضافة الى محتوى الرطوبة الذي لا يتجاوز 3% من وزنها .
What is the shrinkage rate of pozzolanic insulating bricks?
From 0.3 mm to 0.1 mm
What are the thicknesses of pozzolanic insulating bricks?
All thicknesses of traditional bricks and plaster, in addition to other thicknesses
How much is the zon of the insulating pozzolanic bricks?
The weight of the cubic meter of pozzolanic absorbent bricks is 1400 kg and the hollow bricks are 725-825 kg, which is 40% less than that of traditional cement bricks.
What is the breaking strength of pozzolanic insulating bricks?
The breaking strength of the pozzolanic bricks reached 4 Newtons after 28 days and increased to 6 Newtons after 90 days
Is it possible to manufacture pozzolan bricks in the workplace and is it possible to produce this type of bricks by manual laboratories?
The pozzolanic bricks are only used in automated factories, where the pozzolanic bricks are manufactured under a central pressure of up to 280 bar per square meter and a shaking force of up to 5000 revolutions per minute, in addition to the chiving that takes place in special rooms.
How is the construction of pozzolanic bricks?
The construction of pozzolanic bricks is carried out in the same way as the construction of traditional bricks
Is the construction of pozzolanic bricks more durable than the construction of traditional bricks? ?
Yes, the construction with pozzolana products is more durable than the construction with traditional concrete. Studies have shown that the life span of the pozzolana construction is more than 500 years, while the construction with ordinary concrete does not last more than 60 years.
Is it recommended to construct high-rise buildings and towers from pozzolanic bricks, and what impact does it have on the foundations?
Yes, the pozzolanic brick construction is designed for high buildings, since the weight of pozzolanic bricks is reduced by up to 45% than the traditional bricks, so it is perfectly suitable for high buildings and reduces dead loads and maintains the durability and stability of the foundation..
Is building with light pozzolanic bricks the same strength and durability as traditional brick construction?
The high durability of pozzolanic bricks makes it suitable for high, medium and small buildings, where the durability reached 10 Newtons, which makes this type of bricks a carrier and an insulator.
How are pozzolanic bricks made?
The manufacturing mechanism is based on automated production in all its stages, starting from mixing pozzolana paste with cement and water, by screw and cylindrical mixing method, through the automatic hydraulic presses, to the drying rooms.
In which areas of buildings is pozzolan bricks used?
Pozzolanic bricks are used in all aspects of modern and traditional construction, as it is an alternative to traditional cement bricks, for hospitals, hotels, restaurants, industrial complexes and schools, wedding halls, conference halls, mosques, churches, apartments, palaces, villas, cold rooms, fireplaces, furnaces, melting furnaces, and others, and high-rise and ordinary buildings. :
What are the main benefits of using pozzolanic bricks over traditional cement bricks?
Heat insulation, fire resistant, mold and bacteria resistant, moisture resistant, light weight, sound insulation, low cost, high durability, environmentally friendly, long-term construction. Resistant to salts and sulfates, resistant to cracking and corrosion.
Are pozzolanic bricks better than traditional cement bricks?
The pozzolanic brick and its properties in terms of durability and durability of the concrete structure, it combines the characteristics of durability, thermal resistance, lightness of weight and sound insulation in one product in addition to that it is inorganic, does not rot, is resistant to pests and is not degradable in addition to its high resistance to fire, so it is the best choice for walls and ceilings.
How is plaster done for walls or ceilings built of pozzolan bricks?
One of the advantages of the pozzolanic bricks is that it combines the pozzolanic plaster or the traditional ordinary plaster of the walls and ceilings built from it, in addition to its unified sizes and the rough surface and the pozzolanic hyphen makes its adhesion to the plaster or stone at a high level. Which makes the construction section an integrated unit to achieve the highest benefit from this construction.
Do walls made of pozzolanic bricks have a bearing strength for shelves, cupboards, or any weights hanging on them?
The use of pozzolanic bricks and the strength and durability they contain make it an ideal holder for shelves, weights and side loads that are placed on it (three times the normal bricks), in addition to the feature of not cracking during the placement of nails or door and window hinges
Why is pozzolana bricks a new product in Jordan?
The manufacture of pozzolanic bricks and concrete in Jordan was not known in previous years, except to very narrow limits. This is due to the lack of knowledge of the characteristics of pozzolanic tuff in concrete, the lack of a large mechanical industry, and the lack of interest or knowledge of the relevant official authorities in this product, despite the presence of a huge reserve of this material In more than one area in Jordan
Why pozzolanic bricks safe bricks?
Pozlana is a completely harmless natural material. It is inorganic, non-combustible, odorless, non-toxic, and has no side effects on human or non-human beings. It does not emit smoke or toxic gases in all its forms. In addition, it works as a filter for air or gases. And the removal of nickel ions by 98.8% and lead by 57.4%, as these metals destroy the ecosystem of those places, so it is necessary to remove them, and the low acidic function accelerates the removal of metal pollutants, and by the inexpensive and safe ion exchange method and the opposite of unsafe and expensive methods such as Electrolysis, reverse osmotic pressure or chemical precipitation
Are the sizes of pozzolan bricks the same as those of ordinary bricks?
All the measurements of the pozzolanic bricks are identical to the measurements of the bricks and concrete, in addition, there are additional measurements of the pozzolanic bricks and mortar, such as the 60 cm rib.
Is pozzolan bricks environmentally friendly?
Yes, it is a charity for the environment, and it is considered one of the most important achievements of green buildings. It is non-toxic, inorganic, resistant to pests and bacteria, and has a high ability to absorb odors and toxic gases. No fungi or bacteria live in it. Natural heat and sound
Are pozzolan bricks affected by different cold, heat and humid climates?
Pozzalana is an inert material that is not affected by heat, cold or freezing, and does not decompose like ordinary concrete or other organic materials such as wood or rust like metals.
Is the construction of pozzolanic bricks resistant to earthquakes?
The property of bonding between silica particles and the property of non-shrinkage and decline and the structural structure of pozzalana with its light weight, it shows high flexibility to external mechanical influences such as shocks and vibrations, which makes it suitable for use in seismically active cities. Therefore, the Church of Eilat Sophia and the Marib Dam have resisted earthquakes more than once.
How can pozzolan bricks resist heat and maintain moderate temperatures, thus saving energy? .
The thermal insulation property of pozzolana comes from being an inert material and containing micro-air cavities, which is a poor conductor and highly heat-resistant, so it reduces the consumption of cooling or heating energy for buildings by up to 65% in addition to the ability to renew energy and this ability is unique to zeolite as a cubic meter Of zeolite spread on an area of 250 square meters will give 60% more than any other material used in moisture preservation or adaptation by heat exchange.
How to insulate and absorb the walls and ceilings built of pozzolana sound?
The ability of the pozzolana material to absorb sound and curb the mechanical vibration energy comes from the nature of the sub-pozlana material, which constitutes more than 60% of its volume, so it leads to reducing the noise inside the building from the outside and vice versa, and the echo frequencies in the great halls and preventing the transmission of vibration and sounds of the machines where it reaches The sound insulation is up to 50 dB and has a high ability to absorb comprehensive noise and includes all annoying and unwanted sounds resulting from the external environment and transient noise, which is continuous and continuous noise that breaks after a period of time and is replaced by other sounds after a short period (trains, planes, cars Pulsed noises, which are all annoying and unwanted sounds that follow at short intermittent periods and are more effective on humans because their level is high. The efficiency of the walls in blocking noise transmission depends on their mass, the thicker they are, the better at preventing noise transmission.
Does pozzolanic bricks constitute a barrier to impermeability or exchange of water vapor or moisture to and from the external walls?
The nature of the formation of the neutral zeolite material, which has a low impact by heat or cold, leads to a reduction in water filtration and prevents the formation of successive cold and hot surfaces resulting from different temperatures, and its high capacity for ion exchange, especially heavy metals and cations, and the elements strontium-90 and cesium-137, And other radioactive isotopes and their retention in the crystal formation, and cracking, they act as filters to purify gases and remove impurities such as carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and water vapor, and rebuild it, to become natural air, which leads to a lack of internal humidity, which does not exceed RH 0.30 in In the case of using the Pozzolanic plaster, while the construction is in traditional bricks, the internal humidity is more than 0.76 RH. The mechanism of action of the pozzolana material, which allows the penetration of micropores, achieves a healthy balance between moisture resistance and the diffusion of water vapor in closed atmospheres and prevents the infiltration of moisture from the outside to the inside.
Is it required in the construction process special labor trained to build this type of bricks?
The construction of this type of bricks does not require special trained labor, but rather the construction process of traditional brick builders, which will save him a lot of time due to the light weight of the bricks and the ease of construction
How are electrical or sanitary wiring installed inside walls?
In the same way as for traditional bricks, it is preferable in this type that the bricks are not broken horizontally or vertically, but only the two ends of the bricks are broken from the top and the bottom to pass the wires in the internal brick channels, so that it does not have a large seamless area, which loses the full homogeneity of the wall.
Why pozzolanic bricks bricks green buildings and sustainable buildings?
Pozzolanic bricks are manufactured from 100% natural material, which is an inorganic material, with high properties in thermal insulation and energy saving values. Duration (life span of 500 years), as it does not grow in Bacteria, mold or termites and other pests and repellents to insects and mice.
Do pozzolanic bricks qualify for LEED certification, the American Green Building Institute certification?
The American Green Building Institute relies on granting the LEED certificate to all building elements, and since bricks constitute 80% of the building area it is built from, so its importance is in the same proportion. Positive effects on the environment and human health, locally sourced raw materials, and all these conditions are achieved by pozzolanic bricks.
Is it possible to use pozzolan bricks with ordinary bricks?
Yes, it is possible, but it is preferable that the entire building be made of Bozinian bricks to achieve the highest degree of benefit from this type of bricks
What is the time required to implement the purchase order?
The deadline for implementing the purchase order and a link to the site is two weeks, and in any case, we encourage you to contact us early, specifically when designing the building, to benefit from our expertise in terms of saving in rebar, dead loads, thermal insulation and choosing the appropriate product
Other questions
What type of plaster is required for walls built of pozzolanic bricks?
لوريم ايبسوم هو نموذج افتراضي يوضع في التصاميم لتعرض على العميل ليتصور طريقه وضع النصوص بالتصاميم سواء كانت تصاميم مطبوعه … بروشور او فلاير على سبيل المثال … او نماذج مواقع انترنت …
When the customer initially agrees to the design, this text is removed from the design and the final texts required for the design are placed. Some say that placing experimental texts in the design may distract the viewer from making a lot of comments or criticisms of the basic design.
Is it possible to use plaster boards and decorations with pozzolana walls?
Yes, any building materials can be used with the walls and ceilings of the pozzolana because the pozzolana has a high adhesion with all building materials.